Supervisors play a key role in helping support employee mental health. You can directly support your team by learning about mental health, checking in with your supervisees in a caring and supportive way, and connecting them with resources. Benefits include:
Productivity &
Retention &
How to Prioritize Mental Health with Your Employees
Prevent burnout
- Emphasize purpose and social connectedness.
- Ensure realistic workload and provide autonomy.
- Reward performance and encourage fairness.
- Consider flexible work practices (flex hours, work-from home days, etc.)
Provide education and awareness
- Provide mental health resources and benefits explanations throughout the year.
- Foster a culture where getting help for a mental health concern is as routine as getting help for any other concern through active communication and support.
Learn non-stigmatizing language
- Create a culture of trust through consistent communication about supporting emotionally healthy work practices.
- Communicate organizational values that include respect and prioritizing well-being to encourage empathetic behaviors by employees.
- Promote the use of non-stigmatizing language when talking about mental health.